Research question#
Board composition on CEO Turnover
CEO Turnover is indicative of corporate governance
- How well are the interests of shareholders represented
- You have to explain why this is important, why does it matter how well the interests of shareholders are represented
When the company is underperforming relative to its benchmark
This seems superfluous
- Why is it only interesting when the company is underperforming?
- Do you expect there to be a different effect when the company is overperforming?
- (Assuming some CEOs are also fired when the company is performing well)
- Mediation Analysis
- (Effect of Board composition on CEO Turnover is mediated by Underperformance/Overperformance)?
However, it’s within the realm of possibilities that a female from a non-white ethnicity influences the board in a different way than a malefrom a non-white ethnicity, yet at the same time the females from a non-white ethnicity might at the same time influence the board differently than a white female.
You also have to expand upon why!
Variables & Data:
- So which kind of CEO turnover do you want to focus on, internal or external?
- Internal turnover
- Stock performance
- Why not a simple asset pricing model (and a corresponding negative $\alpha$?
- CAPM, Fama French 3 factor
- I think you also have to search for other measures of CEO entrenchment/managerial power (making it difficult to fire CEOs)
- Are there different CEO-level variables other than ethnicity you can also extract from WRDS?
- If turnover is a yes/no variable, you need a linear probability model, or logit
- Justify why LPM and not logit
- Fixed effects account for “corporate culture”, not for changes in corporate culture!
- Selection: only certain companies may chose to hire CEOs of certain ethnicities/genders
- Is the decision to hire female/ethnically diverse CEOs also worth investigating?
- I think the proposal is feasible. The advantage of choosing a variable like ethnicity/gender, is that it’s obviously exogenous (like a random treatment and not subject to change/influence of other factors), but the challenge consists of:
- Controlling for other factors influencing CEO turnover
- Controlling for the selection process
- Correlations within-company over time
- Find out how the literature deals with it